The Animated Film
Stop-Motion Animation, Duration 13mins
Australian Premiere:
Flickerfest International Film Festival, 2011
International Premiere: New
York City Short Film Festival, 2011
Tegan is 12, in love with the coolest boy in class and just found out where meat comes from. Tegan struggles against her friends, her teachers and her family in her attempts to stay true to her heart and at 12 years old - that's no mean feat!
This quaint story is told in painstaking
stop-motion animation, with the entire world
being built at 1:5 scale and photographed frame
at a time. The film begins with Tegan's
discovery and then quickly becomes a face-off
between Tegan the Vegan and Elenore the
Carnivore. Who will get the glory...and the boy?
The film was shot on a Canon EOS Digital Stills Camera using Dragon Stop Motion, After Effects, Final Cut Pro and Photoshop.